Saturday 12 October 2013

Cross Stitch Christmas Resolution

Last month marked the start of the Xfactor on TV again – a sure sign that Christmas is just around the corner! It’s just frightening how fast September to December usually goes in my world. I work in a shop which has a really big focus upon sales at Christmas which means late shifts, overtime and manic panic customer buying!

I LOVE Christmas – the sparkle, the family time, the snow outside the window, being curled up inside, and, of course the presents! I LOVE shopping and picking out things which I think people will love and I LOVE seeing what people have chosen for me!
It’s the only time of year when I like surprises. I LOVE the movies on TV, the mince pies and the cinnamon scented candles.

Woah, that’s alot of love!

Working in a shop full of grumpy customers who HATE having to spend their money on people they don’t like, HATE having to spend their days off trawling the shops with wet feet, HATE having to wait in a queue to be told the item they want is out of stock and HATE the Christmas songs being pumped at them from every direction has been a bit of shock the last few years.

Sometimes I think I can feel the Christmas spirit being dampened inside me. I think of myself as a positive person but there’s only so much a person can take. Last year was the worst as I only had one day off over Christmas, spent no time at all with family and friends - and what should have been such a memorable Christmas – the first one in our first home – ended up disappearing in the blink of an eye.

I made a resolution to myself this year – to enjoy every moment of the festive season and to try to let criticism, anger and bad behaviour wash over me like water off a duck’s back.
Christmas went by so fast last year that I didn’t have time to whip up any festive creations to decorate my home, and relied upon shop bought decorations. This year I have started early with my first ever sampler.
It will sit pride of place over my mantelpiece and every time I see it I vow to stay positive and keep the Christmas spirit alive! I plan to create, create, create until my house is full of the handmade things which I jealously see on other people’s blogs!

Have you started any Christmas projects yet?

Until next time,
K x


  1. This is gorgeous! Don't let the Scrooges get you down! Xx

    1. Thank you! Stitching is so relaxing - definitely the way to ease my stresses every evening!
      K x

  2. I love this. Such a lot of work but well worth it for the great result!

    1. Thank you - it was quite tricky all in one colour but I really enjoyed it!
      K x
