Tuesday 4 June 2013

Blackboard paint makeover

Today I’m going to share with you a little project that my sister and I completed for her kitchen recently...

My sister and I love to have a ‘crafternoon’ on the rare occasion that we are both off on the same day. This week we were digging in the back of the ‘man shed’ looking for paintbrushes when we rediscovered a tin of blackboard paint which I bought last year in Wilkinson for a rainy day project! After dusting off the cobwebs we headed to the nearest charity shop to find some inspiration for our project and came across a cute picture in a wooden frame which was destined for a different life!
We dismantled the frame and painted the glass with the blackboard paint – it dries slightly streaky so we needed to give it two coats for a good finish. We also gave the wooden frame a couple of coats of white emulsion as her kitchen has duck egg blue and white colour scheme.
When everything was dry we reassembled the frame and glass and attached a hook on the back to hang the blackboard, but it just didn’t look right...
After a quick think I knew what would finish the project off....bunting of course! I dug out my old copies of Country Home Magazine and we found some pictures of blue fabric and attached them to some blue thread I had for cross stitching.

Ta dah! One beautiful new blackboard!
(Apologies for the DARK pictures...it was late evening when it was finally finished!)

If you like my new look, why not follow me?

Until next time,

K x



  1. Love it! Seems as if you and your sister have fun times. And what a great result.

  2. This is fantastic! Would love to see more posts like this xxx


  3. Thank you! I have lots of crafty projects in the pipeline and my sister and I love a 'crafternoon'!
