Friday 7 June 2013

Friday I'm in LOVE...with typewriters

There can’t be many things more lovely than vintage typewriter font. It makes me think of love letters and poems from a past era. Emails and texts just don’t have the same air of romance as a handwritten or typewriter note!

I have started to see vintage typewriters everywhere I look recently and have begun to fall in lust with them...especially ones in beautiful pastel colours. Oh, and have you seen the bracelets made from typewriter keys?! Heaven! Where on earth I would put a typewriter in my house is a completely different matter...just like the Singer sewing machine which I have been eyeing up on Ebay. My other half would go crackers if he knew!

Here are some which have taken my fancy this week...


If you like my new look, why not follow me?
Until next time,
 K x

1 comment:

  1. Love the pink and mint one! x
